WellSaid – Lurking (1LP Black Vinyl)

HKD 250

First press on black vinyl, with obi & download code, 33RPM
首刷黑膠,33轉,連 obi 及 download code

Available in early December 202212月初出貨

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“Lurking” sees Wellsaid moving from a brighter sound reminiscent of midwest emo to one that is darker, heavier and more of their own.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the band took the opportunity to record live off the floor of one of the city’s underground venues – vacant due to social distancing restrictions, in order to capture a sound that better reflects its live performances.

The result is direct, intense and uncompromising.

Apart from band members, the record features seasoned Hong Kong independent musicians such as Nerve, Ben Tse, Ming Nichols and 611, blending their experimental, punk and folk sensitivities into the mix.

《Lurking》記錄了 Wellsaid 及其外在環境的轉變:將相對明亮的美式獨立搖滾影響,轉化成一把經過沉澱、更自成一角的聲音。

在疫情期間,Wellsaid 與一個地下演出空間合作,試圖以同步錄音方式、更準確地抓住樂團在演場表演出的張力和能量,集結成一張直接、緊湊和不妥協的專輯。

除了 Wellsaid 成員,數名香港獨立樂手亦參與了《Lurking》的製作,包括 Nerve、Ben Tse、Ming Nichols 和 611,將他們的實驗、龐克和民謠知性融入音樂之中。


基本資料 / Info

專輯名字 / Title: Lurking
樂隊名字 / Artist: Wellsaid (Instagram: @wellsaidhk)
發行 / Released by: Sweaty & Cramped, Airhead Records(數位 / digital)
格式 / Format: Vinyl & digital

歌單 / Tracklist: – Side A –
1. Stale Ale
2. Afloat
3. Jehu
4. April

– Side B –
5. Interlude
6. Threadbare
7. Lights Out
8. Fast
9. Hardcore

長度 / Run time: 32 分鐘 / 32 minutes

製作名單 / Credits: Written, arranged & performed by Wellsaid
Lyrics by Sum Lok-kei & Darryl Blacker
Recorded at Sai Coeng by Wah Li & Chan
With aid from the following musicians: 611, Ming Nichols,
Nerve & Ben Tse
Produced by Wilmer Chan & Wellsaid
Audio mixed and engineered by Wilmer Chan
Audio mastered by Zen Chien @ 112F Recording Studio
Cover art by Ding Pao Yen
Graphic design by Dixon Chan