The Boogie Playboys 2021年出3張EP
《Country EP》收錄幾首鄉村風格歌曲,包括「牧場裡的羊」、「積遜往日夢」和最新派台歌「往田納西州的夜行火車」等。EP以3吋CD形式壓製,於日本生產,母帶於美國作後期處理,配合90年代盛行的日本CD single長形紙封套包裝,充滿復古味道。
01 往田納西州的夜行火車
02 牧場裡的羊
03 積遜往日夢
04 失業大軍
05 山上的自來野貓
The Boogie Playboys與Country music鄉村音樂
Rockabilly本來就是1950年代Rock N’ Roll和Hillbilly兩類音樂結合的新品種,Hillbilly是當時流行的一種鄉村音樂,所以我們Rockabilly樂隊也一直有演奏Country曲風的歌曲,並時常配搭western shirt和cowboy boots等「牛仔」裝扮示人,EP中除了樂隊本身的結他、低音大提琴、鼓等樂器外,也大量加入了lap steel、banjo、fiddle等樂器來呈現「西部」風味。
Second round
The Boogie Playboys’ 2nd album in the year, “Country EP” features folk songs including ‘The Pastureland Goat’, ‘Jackson’s Fantasy’ and ‘Night train to Tennessee’ etc. Mastered in USA and produced in Japan, the EP will be sold as a 3″ CD single in a “Snap-Pack”, a retro Japanese paper package.
1 Night Train to Tennessee
2 The Pastureland Goat
3 Jackson’s Fantasy
4 Unemployment force
5 Uninvited wildcat
The Boogie Playboys and Country music
Date back to the 1950s, Hillbilly was a popular genre of Country music. Rockabilly was a style combined with Rock N’ Roll and Hillbilly. So The Boogie Playboys have been playing Country music since found, dressed up in a western shirt and cowboy boots on stage. Except for the original set-up of guitar/double bass/drums, the EP also features lap steel, banjo, fiddle to enrich the feeling of western music.