HKD 168

Release Oct 3rd 2021  LImited Cassette

Side A

  • A1 DAWN – 當代生活指南
  • A2 Charming Way – I Don’t Speak Your Language
  • A3 Sinnie Ng – 下雨時我會想着你帶給我的天晴
  • A4 檸檬雞脾 – 星遊記

Side B

  • B1 LO WA – Feelings
  • B2 XTIE – Flower Town
  • B3 WHIZZ – Summer Sea
  • B4 VIRT – 3:01AM


About “WePlay!”:

Following the “HypnotiK Sleeping Pill” CASSETTE MIXTAPE, we and 9588HK once again collaborated to release Hong Kong’s independent music Mixtape Vol.2-“WePlay!” “WePlay!” concert.


A total of eight local indie music singers and bands have been invited to participate in this project. It will be held on the four Saturdays of October (October 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd) from 9:30 pm to At 11 o’clock, Cross-over will be played at the blank Livehouse in the Free Space of West Kowloon Cultural District in Tsim Sha Tsui. Mixtape will also be released at the same time during the concert. This time, the plan breaks with tradition and cooperates with a number of non-music local brands to promote independent music and cassette culture together, so that Hong Kong music fans can “play with fans both online and offline.”

Because of the epidemic, Hong Kong people have fewer opportunities to meet with friends. Places such as party rooms, “K rooms” and even bars can only be opened to a limited extent or even difficult to operate. In view of this, in this collaboration, 9588HK, Findme Records and Freespace hope to contact you through the second edition of Mixtape Vol.2 and the concert-“WePlay!” Instead of indie concerts, share your favorite music with each other in a vibrant atmosphere and have fun. More importantly, we hope that this project can bring positive energy to Hong Kong people and promote Hong Kong indie music.






繼《HypnotiK 安眠藥》CASSETTE MIXTAPE後,我們和 9588HK再度合作,發行香港的獨立音樂Mixtape Vol.2——《WePlay!》,今次更找來西九文化區的自由空間團隊合作,攜手舉行四場的《WePlay!》音樂會。今次的企劃一共邀請了八個本地獨立音樂歌手和樂隊參與,將會在十月的四個星期六(十月二日、九日、十六日以及二十三日)的晚上九時半至十一時,在尖沙咀西九文化區自由空間內的留白Livehouse大玩Cross-over,Mixtape亦會在音樂會中同時發行。這次計劃打破傳統,與多個非音樂的本地品牌合作宣傳,一同推廣獨立音樂和卡式帶文化,令香港樂迷在線上線下都可以「玩番夠本」。

因為疫情關係,香港人少了很多機會跟朋友相聚。派對房、「K房」甚至是酒吧等地方都只能有限度地開放甚至難以經營。有見及此,9588HK、Findme Records和自由空間 在今次合作中,希望透過第二版Mixtape Vol.2 和音樂會——《WePlay!》聯繫大家,即使現時未必能夠參加大型派對,都可以以獨立音樂會代替,在充滿活力的氛圍下互相分享喜歡的音樂,盡情玩一番,更重要的是希望是次企劃可以為香港人帶來正能量以及推廣香港獨立音樂。