Carame/ – No Please (Digi MCD)

HKD 100

Hong Kong Indie Band Carame/‘s latest EP 《NO PLEASE》

– Like that special, intimate one,
caressing the tenderest bits of this city’s soul –

On 21 February 2021, independent local band Carame/ released their brand new 5-track EP《NO PLEASE》.

Carame/ always brings your soul into their self-efficaced reality, with your ears engulfed by soft tenderness and echoing harmonies, nourishing the tangled, scorching inner self. Like that special, intimate one, caressing the tenderest bits of this city’s soul.

Song List:
1/ To Whom It May Concerned
2/ Bust
3/ Rose Jam
4/ Sleepwalking
5/ Rid



香港獨立樂隊Carame/ 全新EP《NO PLEASE》


2021年2月22,Carame/ 推出全新EP《NO PLEASE》,一共收錄5首獨立創作樂曲,喻意歸零於現在,容讓自己捨棄一切,回到當下的狀態,以一種嶄新的觸覺與視野,重新發現自己與世界。

Carame/ 總是把您帶進他們創造的當下氛圍,雙雙耳窩被一股柔軟感染,飄然唱和,撫摸與滋養著脆弱的都市心靈。〈To Whom It May Concerned〉揭露被停頓的異質空間;〈Rose Jam〉交錯著苦澀與絲甜的戀愛;〈Bust〉猶似形容某份怪異與疏離被凝結了;〈Sleepwalking〉糾結著失去、原諒與放下的狀態,仍以溫婉的對話融化已凍僵的身心;最後,〈Rid〉既緊湊亦溫和地吶喊著對自殺的想像,然而,回來當下吧!當我們徘徊於極端的安靜與捨棄,歸零於現在,便尋回了自己。

Carame/ - No Please (Digi MCD) on Instagram

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