Cadaver – Doppler Effect (Digi CDEP)

HKD 100

CADAVER (Hong Kong)

Released – September 28th, 2013

Technical death metal from the concrete jungle of Hong Kong! Tracked, engineered, mixed, mastered, and produced locally by members of the band.

This record showcases quality death metal from East Asia. Technical yet haunting guitar riffs, blasting snare and kicks, death growls performed in Mandarin Chinese, “The Doppler Effect” will surely leave a lasting impression on all fans of metal.




Technical death metal from the concrete jungle of Hong Kong! Tracked, engineered, mixed, mastered and produced locally by members of the band.

This record showcases quality death metal from East Asia. Technical yet haunting guitar riffs, blasting snare and kicks, death growls performed in Mandarin Chinese, “The Doppler Effect” will surely leave a lasting impression on all fans of metal.

September 28th, 2013


1. 破蛹 Breaking Pupa 03:53
2. 多普勒啟示 The Doppler Effect 03:53
3. 意識毀 Fractured Consciousness 03:36
4. 元素回歸 Elemental Retrieval 03:11
5. 虐殺時辰 Moment of Massacre 03:37
6. 逆光更替 Backlit Manipulation 03:27

Total 21:37